ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 06/22/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast
Valid: Fri 22 Jun 2012 06:00 to Sat 23 Jun 2012 06:00 UTC
Issued: Fri 22 Jun 2012 02:19
Forecaster: TUSCHY
A level 1 was issued for NE Italy, S-Austria, the Balkan States, Romania, Ukraine and parts of Belarus mainly for large to very large hail, excessive rainfall amounts (locally life-threatening flash flood events possible), and an isolated severe wind gust and tornado event.

A level 1 was issued for NW-Belarus and parts of Latvia and Lithuania mainly for heavy rainfall amounts.

A level 1 was issued for Benelux and extreme NW-Germany mainly for an isolated tornado event.

A level 1 was issued for E-UK/far SE Scotland mainly for an isolated tornado and flash flood event.


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