
Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2012 angezeigt.

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/29/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 291800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Mittwoch, 29.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr Im Süden oft klar, im Norden und Osten wolkig oder bedeckt. Gebietsweise dichter Nebel. Am Donnerstag nach Nebelauflösung zunehmend sonnig, warnfrei. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Donnerstag, 01.03.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Am Rande eines Hochs über Frankreich bestimmt milde Meeresluft das Wetter in Baden-Württemberg. Dabei kann in den nächsten Nächten in Niederungen durch bodennahe Feuchte zum Teil zäher Nebel entstehen. In der Nacht zum Donnerstag bildet sich gebietsweise wieder dichter Nebel mit Sichtweiten unter 150 m. Nach teils zögerlicher Nebelauflösung wird am Donnerstag kein warnrelevantes Wetter erwartet. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Donnerstag, 01.03.2012, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Hofhein

Tornado Watch for Gallatin, TN

Tornado Watch Statement as of 11:35 AM CST on February 29, 2012 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a Tornado Watch for portions of         central and eastern Kentucky        Tennessee        far western Virginia Effective this Wednesday morning and evening from 1135 am until 800 PM CST. Tornadoes...hail to 1.5 inches in diameter...thunderstorm wind gusts to 75 mph...and dangerous lightning are possible in these areas. The Tornado Watch area is approximately along and 70 statute miles north and south of a line from 25 miles south southwest of Dyersburg Tennessee to 30 miles east southeast of Jackson Kentucky.  For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (wous64 kwns wou8). Remember...a Tornado Watch means conditions are favorable for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for ...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/29/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Mittwoch Bewoelkt 5°C Precip: 20% Donnerstag L. Bewölkt 15°C / 5°C Precip: 20% Freitag Bewölkt / Nachm. sonnig 15°C / 3°C Precip: 20% Samstag Bedeckt 13°C / 3°C Precip: 60% Sonntag Schauer 11°C / 3°C Precip: 60% Montag Bedeckt 7°C / 1°C Precip: 60% Dienstag Schauer 5°C / -1°C Precip: 60% Mittwoch Regen / Schneefall 2°C / -1°C Precip: 40% Donnerstag Einz. Schneesch. 5°C / 0°C Precip: 40% Freitag Regen / Schneesch. 7°C / 0°C Precip: 40% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/29/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 10:42 am CST on February 29, 2012 Tornado Watch 46 in effect until noon CST today... Rest of Today Breezy. Showers and thunderstorms. Some storms may be severe. Locally heavy rainfall possible. Highs in the mid 70s. Southwest winds 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain near 100 percent. ================================================================ Tonight Colder. Mostly cloudy with isolated showers and thunderstorms in the evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Lows in the mid 40s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent. ================================================================ Thursday Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 60s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. ================================================================ Thursday Night Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms after midnight. Lows in the lower 50s. Light southeast winds. Chance of rain 30 percent. ==...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/29/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Wed 29 Feb 2012 06:00 to Thu 01 Mar 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Tue 28 Feb 2012 23:29 Forecaster: PUCIK No threat levels have been issued. SYNOPSIS and DISCUSSION

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/28/2012

Average temperature = 6.5°C Average humidity = 76% Average dewpoint = 2.6°C Average barometer = 1021.2 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 232° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 9.7 mm Rainfall for year = 65.7 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 28 at time 23:50 Maximum temperature = 9.5°C on day 28 at time 16:56 Minimum temperature = 4.1°C on day 28 at time 06:44 Maximum humidity = 81% on day 28 at time 11:21 Minimum humidity = 72% on day 28 at time 17:35 Maximum dewpoint = 4.9°C on day 28 at time 16:44 Minimum dewpoint = -0.3°C on day 28 at time 0:30 Maximum pressure = 1022.0 hPa on day 28 at time 23:50 Minimum pressure = 1020.3 hPa on day 28 at time 16:43 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 28 at time 23:50 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 248°(WSW) on day 28 at time...

Special Statement for Gallatin, TN

Special Statement Statement as of 3:25 PM CST on February 28, 2012 ...A slight risk of severe thunderstorms across western portions of the mid state late tonight and all of middle Tennessee on Wednesday... ...Main threat will be damaging winds...but isolated tornadoes will be possible... As a strong cold front approaches the mid state tonight and moves through the mid state on Wednesday...thunderstorms will develop. Some of these thunderstorms may be severe...with the main threat being damaging winds...but there will be also the potential for isolated tornadoes. There could be several periods of thunderstorms... with the best potential late tonight near and across the Tennessee River valley...and the late morning through afternoon hours across the remainder of middle Tennessee. There could even be some severe thunderstorms during the Wednesday evening hours across the Cumberland Plateau region. This is a time to be sure that your severe weather safety plans are in ...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/28/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 281800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Dienstag, 28.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr Wolkig und vereinzelt Sprühregen, im Süden auch Auflockerungen, warnfrei. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Mittwoch, 29.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Zwischen einer Hochdruckzone über Westeuropa und einem Tief mit Kern über dem Nordmeer fließen deutlich mildere Luftmassen nach Baden-Württemberg. Heute Nacht ist vor allem im Süden und Südwesten gebietsweise teils dichter Nebel mit Sichtweiten unter 150 Meter möglich, sonst bleibt es warnfrei. Am Mittwoch werden nach Nebelauflösung tagsüber keine Warnungen erwartet. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Mittwoch, 29.02.2012, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Vetter

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/28/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Dienstag Schauer 5°C Precip: 30% Mittwoch Bewölkt 13°C / 4°C Precip: 20% Donnerstag L. Bewölkt 16°C / 3°C Precip: 20% Freitag Bewölkt 14°C / 3°C Precip: 20% Samstag L. Bewölkt 14°C / 3°C Precip: 40% Sonntag Schauer 11°C / 1°C Precip: 70% Montag Einz. Schauer 8°C / -1°C Precip: 10% Dienstag Bewölkt 7°C / -1°C Precip: 10% Mittwoch L. Bewölkt 6°C / -1°C Precip: 60% Donnerstag Regen / Schneesch. 7°C / -1°C Precip: 20% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/28/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 10:35 am CST on February 28, 2012 Rest of Today Partly sunny. A slight chance of showers in the late afternoon. Highs in the upper 60s. South winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent. ================================================================ Tonight Warmer. Showers and thunderstorms developing. Lows in the upper 50s. South winds 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 90 percent. ================================================================ Wednesday Showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the lower 70s. Southwest winds 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90 percent. ================================================================ Wednesday Night Cooler. Partly cloudy. A slight chance of showers in the evening. Lows in the mid 40s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent. ================================================================ Thursday Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Southwes...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/27/2012

Average temperature = 4.8°C Average humidity = 74% Average dewpoint = 0.5°C Average barometer = 1022.4 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 303° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 9.7 mm Rainfall for year = 65.7 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 27 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 9.1°C on day 27 at time 15:27 Minimum temperature = 1.6°C on day 27 at time 08:47 Maximum humidity = 85% on day 27 at time 10:05 Minimum humidity = 56% on day 27 at time 17:20 Maximum dewpoint = 2.1°C on day 27 at time 15:19 Minimum dewpoint = -1.5°C on day 27 at time 21:33 Maximum pressure = 1024.0 hPa on day 27 at time 11:30 Minimum pressure = 1020.6 hPa on day 27 at time 17:56 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 27 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 27 at tim...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/28/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Tue 28 Feb 2012 06:00 to Wed 29 Feb 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Mon 27 Feb 2012 20:27 Forecaster: KOROSEC No threat levels have been issued. SYNOPSIS / DISCUSSION

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/27/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 271800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Montag, 27.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr Nachts und Dienstag früh in höheren Lagen und südlich der Donau etwas Schnee und gebietsweise Glätte, später dann regnerisch aber warnfrei. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Dienstag, 28.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: In der Nacht greift von Norden her eine Warmfront auf Württemberg über. Dienstags erfasst im Tagesverlauf eine weitere Warmfront von Nordwesten her das Vorhersagegebiet. In der Nacht zum Dienstag kommt im östlichen Bergland oberhalb von 600 bis 800 m sowie südlich der Donau Schneefall auf mit Neuschneemengen zwischen 1 und 3 cm. Dabei Glättegefahr durch Schnee, Schneematsch und überfrierende Nässe. Am Dienstag sind nach Schnee und Glätte im Bergland keine Warnungen erforderlich. Bis in höchste Schwarzwaldlagen setzt Tauwetter ein, die zu erwartenden Abflussmengen liegen auch bei vor allem im Osten...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/27/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Montag Bewoelkt 2°C Precip: 20% Dienstag Vorm. Schauer 10°C / 5°C Precip: 30% Mittwoch Bewölkt / Nachm. sonnig 12°C / 2°C Precip: 20% Donnerstag Bewölkt / Nachm. sonnig 16°C / 2°C Precip: 20% Freitag Einige Schauer 12°C / 3°C Precip: 20% Samstag L. Bewölkt 12°C / 3°C Precip: 60% Sonntag Schauer 10°C / 3°C Precip: 40% Montag Schauer 8°C / 1°C Precip: 60% Dienstag Regen / Schneesch. 6°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Mittwoch Regen / Schneesch. 5°C / 0°C Precip: 30% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile devic

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/27/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 3:04 am CST on February 27, 2012 Today Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Light southwest winds becoming northwest around 5 mph in the afternoon. ================================================================ Tonight Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 30s. Light northeast winds. ================================================================ Tuesday Partly sunny in the morning...then mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and a slight chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 60s. East winds 5 to 10 mph becoming south in the afternoon. Chance of rain 40 percent. ================================================================ Tuesday Night Warmer. Showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the upper 50s. South winds 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80 percent. ================================================================ Wednesday Breezy. Showers and thunderstorms likely...mainly ...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/27/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Mon 27 Feb 2012 06:00 to Tue 28 Feb 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Sun 26 Feb 2012 22:41 Forecaster: ESTOFEX A level 1 was issued for Crete and surrounding areas mainly for heavy rainfall. SYNOPSIS and DISCUSSION

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/26/2012

Average temperature = 5.5°C Average humidity = 76% Average dewpoint = 1.6°C Average barometer = 1019.7 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.4 km/h Average direction = 312° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 9.7 mm Rainfall for year = 65.7 mm Rainfall for day = 0.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 26 at time 19:30 Maximum temperature = 7.8°C on day 26 at time 16:23 Minimum temperature = 3.6°C on day 26 at time 08:17 Maximum humidity = 83% on day 26 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 66% on day 26 at time 16:37 Maximum dewpoint = 3.8°C on day 26 at time 00:52 Minimum dewpoint = 0.3°C on day 26 at time 8:17 Maximum pressure = 1023.6 hPa on day 26 at time 23:54 Minimum pressure = 1016.9 hPa on day 26 at time 03:55 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 26 at time 15:22 Maximum gust speed = 11.1 km/h from 315°( NW) on day 26 at time...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/25/2012

Average temperature = 8.2°C Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 5.4°C Average barometer = 1020.1 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 277° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 9.2 mm Rainfall for year = 65.2 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 25 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 10.8°C on day 25 at time 14:22 Minimum temperature = 6.6°C on day 25 at time 23:56 Maximum humidity = 87% on day 25 at time 12:46 Minimum humidity = 78% on day 25 at time 15:03 Maximum dewpoint = 7.6°C on day 25 at time 15:54 Minimum dewpoint = 3.6°C on day 25 at time 22:44 Maximum pressure = 1023.7 hPa on day 25 at time 01:46 Minimum pressure = 1016.9 hPa on day 25 at time 23:55 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 25 at time 20:37 Maximum gust speed = 7.4 km/h from 00°( N ) on day 25 at time...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/26/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 261800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Sonntag, 26.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr In der Nacht zu Montag anfangs im Bergland noch etwas Schnee, allgemein vielfach Glätte durch überfrierende Nässe oder Reif. Streckenweise Nebel. Am Montag tagsüber keine Warnungen. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Montag, 27.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Auf der Rückseite einer Kaltfront strömt feuchte und etwas kältere Luft nach Baden-Württemberg, die am Montag vorübergehend unter schwachen Zwischenhocheinfluss gelangt. In der Nacht zu Montag schneit es anfangs im Bergland oberhalb etwa 600 m zeitweise, die Neuschneemengen bleiben allerdings gering. Bei verbreitet auftretendem leichtem Frost muß mit Glätte durch überfrierende Nässe, örtlich auch durch Reif gerechnet werden. Streckenweise kann sich teils dichter Nebel bilden. Nach Glätte in den Frühstunden und Auflösung der Nebelfelder sind am Montag tagsüb...

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/26/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 9:46 am CST on February 26, 2012 This Afternoon Not as cool. Sunny. Highs around 60. South winds 10 to 15 mph. ================================================================ Tonight Not as cool. Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 30s. Light south winds. ================================================================ Monday Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Light southwest winds becoming northwest around 5 mph in the afternoon. ================================================================ Monday Night Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 30s. Light north winds. ================================================================ Tuesday Partly cloudy with a slight chance of showers in the morning...then mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 60s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent. =======================================...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/26/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Sonntag L. bewoelkt -1°C Precip: 20% Montag L. Bewölkt 8°C / 1°C Precip: 20% Dienstag Vorm. Schauer 9°C / 2°C Precip: 40% Mittwoch Schauer 13°C / 1°C Precip: 30% Donnerstag Bewölkt / Nachm. sonnig 15°C / 1°C Precip: 20% Freitag L. Bewölkt 12°C / 2°C Precip: 30% Samstag Einz. Schauer 12°C / 2°C Precip: 30% Sonntag Einz. Schauer 8°C / 2°C Precip: 60% Montag Schauer 7°C / 1°C Precip: 50% Dienstag Einz. Schauer 6°C / 1°C Precip: 10% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/26/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Sun 26 Feb 2012 06:00 to Mon 27 Feb 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Sat 25 Feb 2012 14:03 Forecaster: SCHLENCZEK No threat levels have been issued. SYNOPSIS / DISCUSSION

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/25/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 251800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Samstag, 25.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr In der Nacht zu Sonntag ein wenig Regen oder Niesel. Stellenweise Nebel. Im Bergland Glätte durch überfrierende Nässe sowie etwas Schnee. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Sonntag, 26.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Zwischen einem Tiefdruckgebiet über Osteuropa und einem Hoch über dem Ostatlantik strömt in der Nacht zum Sonntag wieder kältere Meeresluft nach Baden-Württemberg. In der Nacht zu Sonntag strömt kühlere Luft heran und die Schneefallgrenze sinkt allmählich auf 700 bis 600 m ab. In den höheren Lagen des Berglands muss mit Glätte durch etwas Schnee und überfrierende Nässe gerechnet werden. Vor allem im Bergland ist es teils neblig-trüb mit Sichtweiten unter 150 Metern. Am Sonntag fällt vor allem im östlichen Bergland oberhalb von 600 bis 800 Meter gelegentlich etwas Schnee oder Schneeregen. Nächste ...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/24/2012

Average temperature = 8.6°C Average humidity = 77% Average dewpoint = 4.8°C Average barometer = 1023.6 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 293° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 9.2 mm Rainfall for year = 65.2 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 24 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 14.1°C on day 24 at time 14:39 Minimum temperature = 5.3°C on day 24 at time 02:04 Maximum humidity = 84% on day 24 at time 09:44 Minimum humidity = 65% on day 24 at time 13:59 Maximum dewpoint = 8.1°C on day 24 at time 14:33 Minimum dewpoint = 1.8°C on day 24 at time 1:34 Maximum pressure = 1024.8 hPa on day 24 at time 09:09 Minimum pressure = 1022.2 hPa on day 24 at time 16:42 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 24 at time 13:48 Maximum gust speed = 5.6 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 24 at time...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/25/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Samstag Einige Schauer 1°C Precip: 30% Sonntag Einige Schauer 7°C / -1°C Precip: 20% Montag Bewölkt 8°C / -1°C Precip: 30% Dienstag Einige Schauer 8°C / 2°C Precip: 30% Mittwoch Einz. Schauer 12°C / 2°C Precip: 30% Donnerstag Einz. Schauer 12°C / 2°C Precip: 30% Freitag Einz. Schauer 11°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Samstag Einz. Schneesch. 8°C / 0°C Sonntag Sonnig 8°C / 1°C Precip: 30% Montag Einz. Schneesch. 8°C / 1°C For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/25/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 11:04 am CST on February 25, 2012 This Afternoon Sunny. Highs in the upper 40s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. ================================================================ Tonight Clear. Lows in the upper 20s. Light north winds becoming southeast after midnight. ================================================================ Sunday Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 50s. South winds 5 to 10 mph. ================================================================ Sunday Night Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 30s. Light south winds. ================================================================ Monday Partly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Light southwest winds. ================================================================ Monday Night Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 40s. ================================================================ Tuesday Mostly cloudy with ...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/23/2012

Average temperature = 5.9°C Average humidity = 61% Average dewpoint = -1.1°C Average barometer = 1022.1 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 264° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 9.2 mm Rainfall for year = 65.2 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 23 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 9.5°C on day 23 at time 14:28 Minimum temperature = 1.5°C on day 23 at time 02:39 Maximum humidity = 77% on day 23 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 44% on day 23 at time 11:49 Maximum dewpoint = 2.7°C on day 23 at time 23:29 Minimum dewpoint = -4.3°C on day 23 at time 10:29 Maximum pressure = 1024.3 hPa on day 23 at time 22:23 Minimum pressure = 1020.0 hPa on day 23 at time 04:10 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 23 at time 13:51 Maximum gust speed = 14.8 km/h from 248°(WSW) on day 23 at t...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/24/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Fri 24 Feb 2012 06:00 to Sat 25 Feb 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Thu 23 Feb 2012 18:40 Forecaster: TUSCHY SYNOPSIS and DISCUSSION

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/23/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 231800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Donnerstag, 23.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr Stark bewölkt, meist trocken. Tagsüber im Süden etwas Sonne. Im Bergland Tauwetter, es bleibt jedoch warnfrei. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Freitag, 24.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Zwischen einer umfangreichen Tiefdruckzone über Nordeuropa und einem Hoch über Westfrankreich strömt relativ milde Meeresluft nach Baden-Württemberg. Im Schwarzwald und auf der Schwäbischen Alb herrscht Tauwetter. Die Warnschwellen für eine Tauwetterwarnung werden bis Freitagabend jedoch nicht erreicht. Auch andere Warnungen sind nicht erforderlich. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Freitag, 24.02.2012, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Klaus Riedl

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/23/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Donnerstag Bewoelkt 2°C Precip: 20% Freitag L. Bewölkt 11°C / 4°C Precip: 20% Samstag Schauer 9°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Sonntag Vorm. Schneesch 6°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Montag Winterwet. / Wind 6°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Dienstag Regen / Schneesch. 6°C / 1°C Precip: 20% Mittwoch L. Bewölkt 8°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Donnerstag Einz. Schneesch. 8°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Freitag Einz. Schneesch. 7°C / 1°C Precip: 20% Samstag Schauer 6°C / 1°C Precip: 30% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/23/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 9:39 am CST on February 23, 2012 Wind Advisory in effect until midnight CST tonight... Rest of Today Breezy...warmer. Partly sunny through noon...then mostly cloudy with isolated showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 70s. South winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 25 mph increasing to southwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 20 percent. ================================================================ Tonight Breezy. Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Some storms may be severe in the evening. Lows in the mid 40s. Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph...then becoming west 10 to 15 mph after midnight. Chance of rain 50 percent. ================================================================ Friday Breezy. Much cooler. Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers in the morning...then partly sunny in the afternoon. Highs in the ...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/22/2012

Average temperature = 1.7°C Average humidity = 69% Average dewpoint = -3.7°C Average barometer = 1025.8 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 270° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 9.2 mm Rainfall for year = 65.2 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 22 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 8.0°C on day 22 at time 16:09 Minimum temperature = -3.6°C on day 22 at time 08:02 Maximum humidity = 81% on day 22 at time 10:12 Minimum humidity = 53% on day 22 at time 17:02 Maximum dewpoint = 0.1°C on day 22 at time 13:33 Minimum dewpoint = -6.7°C on day 22 at time 8:02 Maximum pressure = 1028.7 hPa on day 22 at time 02:24 Minimum pressure = 1021.6 hPa on day 22 at time 23:38 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 22 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 22 at ti...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/23/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Thu 23 Feb 2012 06:00 to Fri 24 Feb 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Wed 22 Feb 2012 21:56 Forecaster: GATZEN SYNOPSIS / DISCUSSION

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/22/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 221800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Mittwoch, 22.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr Nachts von Nordwesten aufkommender, teils gefrierender Regen, am Vormittag nach Südosten ausbreitend. Anfangs vorübergehend etwas Schnee. Im Nordosten teils starke Windböen aus Südwest. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Donnerstag, 23.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Eine vom Ostatlantik bis zum Schwarzen Meer reichende Hochdruckzone ist heute wetterbestimmend. In der Nacht zu Donnerstag greift von Nordwesten ein Tiefausläufer auf Baden-Württemberg über. In der Nacht zum Donnerstag kann sich vor allem im Bergland und im Süden des Landes streckenweise Glätte durch überfrierende Nässe oder Reif bilden. In der zweiten Nachthälfte kommt im Norden Regen auf, gebietsweise muß mit gefrierendem Regen oder Sprühregen gerechnet werden. Dabei kann sich gefährliches Glatteis bilden. Anfangs ist auch kurzzeitig Schneefall mög...

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/22/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 6:23 am CST on February 22, 2012 Rest of Today Breezy. Mostly cloudy. Showers likely and isolated thunderstorms...mainly in the morning. Highs in the mid 60s. South winds 5 to 15 mph increasing to southwest 15 to 25 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 60 percent. ================================================================ Tonight Warmer. Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Lows around 50. Southwest winds 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent. ================================================================ Thursday Breezy. Partly cloudy with a slight chance of showers in the morning...then mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 70s. South winds 10 to 15 mph increasing to 15 to 25 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 20 percent. ====================...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/22/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Mittwoch L. bewoelkt 0°C Precip: 20% Donnerstag Schauer 5°C / 2°C Precip: 50% Freitag L. Bewölkt 11°C / 2°C Precip: 40% Samstag Schauer 8°C / 0°C Precip: 20% Sonntag L. Bewölkt 6°C / 0°C Precip: 20% Montag Schauer 6°C / 1°C Precip: 30% Dienstag Regen / Schneesch. 6°C / 1°C Precip: 60% Mittwoch Einz. Schneesch. 8°C / 0°C Precip: 20% Donnerstag Sonnig 8°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Freitag Einz. Schneesch. 7°C / 1°C Precip: 10% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/21/2012

Average temperature = -0.1°C Average humidity = 74% Average dewpoint = -4.2°C Average barometer = 1028.0 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 270° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 9.2 mm Rainfall for year = 65.2 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 21 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 5.2°C on day 21 at time 15:28 Minimum temperature = -4.6°C on day 21 at time 08:07 Maximum humidity = 84% on day 21 at time 10:11 Minimum humidity = 60% on day 21 at time 16:28 Maximum dewpoint = -0.7°C on day 21 at time 13:25 Minimum dewpoint = -7.4°C on day 21 at time 7:57 Maximum pressure = 1028.7 hPa on day 21 at time 23:57 Minimum pressure = 1027.0 hPa on day 21 at time 15:14 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 21 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 21 at ...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/22/2012 0600UTC

No storm forecast has been issued. ESTOFEX

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/21/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 211800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Dienstag, 21.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr In der Nacht zu Mittwoch gebietsweise strenger Frost, streckenweise Glätte und örtlich dichter Nebel. Am Mittwoch ziemlich sonnig, keine Warnungen. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Mittwoch, 22.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Eine vom Ostatlantik bis zum Schwarzen Meer reichende Hochdruckzone ist für Baden-Württemberg wetterbestimmend. In der Nacht zu Mittwoch gibt es in Richtung Allgäu sowie in einigen höher gelegenen Tälern und Senken in Oberschwaben, auf der Schwäbischen Alb und im Schwarzwald nochmals strengen Frost mit Tiefstwerten bis -14 Grad. Darüber hinaus kann es vor allem auf Nebenstrecken und Brücken durch überfrierende Nässe, vereinzelt auch durch Reif stellenweise glatt werden. In feuchten Niederungen, insbesondere zwischen der Alb und dem Bodensee kann sich örtlich dichter Nebel mit Sichtweite u...

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/21/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 6:49 am CST on February 21, 2012 Wind Advisory in effect until 5 PM CST this afternoon... Today Breezy. Partly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Southwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph. ================================================================ Tonight Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 30s. Southwest winds 5 to 15 mph. ================================================================ Wednesday Partly sunny in the morning...then becoming mostly cloudy. A chance of showers. Highs in the mid 60s. Southwest winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent. ================================================================ Wednesday Night Warmer. Variable cloudiness. A slight chance of showers. Lows around 50. Southwest winds 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent. ================================================================ Thursday Partly sunny in the morning...t...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/21/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Dienstag L. bewoelkt -3°C Precip: 10% Mittwoch Sonnig 7°C / 0°C Precip: 20% Donnerstag Schauer 5°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Freitag Vorm. Schauer 10°C / 3°C Precip: 30% Samstag Schauer 7°C / -1°C Precip: 10% Sonntag Bewölkt / Nachm. sonnig 7°C / -1°C Precip: 60% Montag Regen / Schneesch. 5°C / 0°C Precip: 40% Dienstag Schauer 6°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Mittwoch Schauer 6°C / 2°C Precip: 40% Donnerstag Schauer 6°C / 1°C Precip: 10% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/20/2012

Average temperature = 1.1°C Average humidity = 77% Average dewpoint = -2.5°C Average barometer = 1027.8 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 270° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 9.2 mm Rainfall for year = 65.2 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 3.6°C on day 20 at time 16:26 Minimum temperature = -1.0°C on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum humidity = 82% on day 20 at time 09:42 Minimum humidity = 70% on day 20 at time 17:56 Maximum dewpoint = -0.9°C on day 20 at time 12:52 Minimum dewpoint = -4.7°C on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum pressure = 1029.8 hPa on day 20 at time 12:04 Minimum pressure = 1024.0 hPa on day 20 at time 00:07 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 20 at ...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/21/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Tue 21 Feb 2012 06:00 to Wed 22 Feb 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Mon 20 Feb 2012 21:21 Forecaster: KOROSEC A level 1 was issued for parts of S Italy mainly for excessive convective rainfall. SYNOPSIS

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/20/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 201800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Montag, 20.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr Nachts örtlich Nebel und stellenweise Glätte, teils durch Reif, teils durch überfrierendes Schmelzwasser. Vor allem in Hochtälern gebietsweise strenger Frost. Am Dienstag Sonne und Wolken, keine Warnungen. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Dienstag, 21.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Die nach Baden-Württemberg eingeflossene Meeresluft polaren Ursprungs gelangt von Frankreich her unter Hochdruckeinfluss. In der Nacht zu Dienstag muss vor allem in Hochtälern und in windgeschützten Senken bei Aufklaren mit strengem Frost unter -10 Grad gerechnet werden. Örtlich bildet sich Nebel und stellenweise besteht Glättegefahr durch Reif oder gefrierendes Schmelzwasser. Am Dienstag wird dann tagsüber kein warnrelevantes Wetter erwartet. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Dienstag, 21.02.2012, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdien...

Public Information Statement for Gallatin, TN

Public Information Statement Statement as of 6:52 AM CST on February 20, 2012 ...This is severe weather awareness week across Tennessee... The National Weather Service...along with our partners in the media and emergency management...have chosen this week as severe weather awareness week across the state. Each day this week we'll highlight a different aspect of severe weather and provide tips on how tennesseans can stay safe. Monday...we will look at flooding and flash floods. Tuesday...we will discuss lightning and lightning safety. tornado awareness day and will serve as tornado drill day in Tennessee. severe thunderstorm day. Friday...we will discuss NOAA Weather Radio and the emergency alert system. Today we'lss discuss flodds and flood safety. Turn around...don't drown! Floods and flash floods occur every year in Tennessee. General river flooding occurs seasonally when winter or Spring rains or torrential rains...

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/20/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 9:10 am CST on February 20, 2012 Rest of Today Not as cool. Sunny. Highs in the lower 50s. East winds 5 to 10 mph. ================================================================ Tonight Not as cool. Partly cloudy in the evening...then mostly cloudy with scattered showers after midnight. Lows around 40. South winds 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent. ================================================================ Tuesday Breezy. Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers. Highs in the upper 50s. Southwest winds 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent. ================================================================ Tuesday Night Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 30s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. ================================================================ Wednesday Breezy. Partly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Southwest winds 15 to 25 mph. ====================================...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/20/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Montag  L. bewoelkt -7°C Precip: 10% Dienstag Heiter 4°C / -3°C Precip: 10% Mittwoch Sonnig 8°C / -3°C Precip: 50% Donnerstag Schauer 4°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Freitag Schauer 10°C / 2°C Precip: 40% Samstag Schauer 9°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Sonntag Schauer 6°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Montag Einz. Schneesch. 6°C / -2°C Dienstag Sonnig 5°C / -2°C Precip: 10% Mittwoch Einz. Schauer 5°C / 1°C Precip: 40% For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 02/20/2012 0600UTC

Storm Forecast Valid: Mon 20 Feb 2012 06:00 to Tue 21 Feb 2012 06:00 UTC Issued: Sun 19 Feb 2012 20:12 Forecaster: TUSCHY SYNOPSIS and DISCUSSION

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 02/19/2012

Average temperature = 3.3°C Average humidity = 78% Average dewpoint = -0.2°C Average barometer = 1014.6 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.4 km/h Average direction = 263° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 9.2 mm Rainfall for year = 65.2 mm Rainfall for day = 1.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 19 at time 09:54 Maximum temperature = 5.3°C on day 19 at time 00:32 Minimum temperature = 0.5°C on day 19 at time 23:24 Maximum humidity = 88% on day 19 at time 11:56 Minimum humidity = 61% on day 19 at time 16:31 Maximum dewpoint = 2.8°C on day 19 at time 03:52 Minimum dewpoint = -3.5°C on day 19 at time 18:28 Maximum pressure = 1024.2 hPa on day 19 at time 23:57 Minimum pressure = 1008.1 hPa on day 19 at time 05:29 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 19 at time 14:37 Maximum gust speed = 14.8 km/h from 338°(NNW) on day 19 at t...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 02/19/2012 1930UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 191800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Sonntag, 19.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr Nachts noch lokale Schneeschauer. Dabei örtlich Glätte durch Schnee, Schneematsch und überfrorene Nässe, teilweise bis Montagvormittag. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Montag, 20.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr: Hinter einer nach Südosten abgezogenen Kaltfront fließt Meeresluft polaren Ursprungs nach Baden-Württemberg. Sie kommt im Laufe des Montags von Frankreich her unter Hochdruckeinfluss. In der Nacht zu Montag kommt es anfangs vor allem im Bereich der Schwäbischen Alb und des Schwarzwaldes noch zu Schneeschauern mit Neuschneemengen zwischen 1 und 3 cm. Dabei muss mit Glätte durch Schnee, Schneematsch und überfrorene Nässe gerechnet werden. Am Montagvormittag ist es örtlich noch glatt durch Schnee und überfrorene Nässe. Tagsüber wird dann kein warnrelevantes Wetter mehr erwartet. Nächste Aktualisierung: s...

7-Day Forecast for Gallatin/TN 02/19/2012

Weather Underground Email Service for Gallatin, TN NWS Forecast as of 5:30 am CST on February 19, 2012 Winter Weather Advisory in effect from 9 am this morning to 6 PM CST this evening... Today Colder. Rain and snow in the morning...then a chance of rain and snow in the afternoon. Snow accumulation of 1 to 2 inches. Highs in the lower 40s. North winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent. ================================================================ Tonight Colder. Partly cloudy in the evening...then clearing. Lows in the mid to upper 20s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. ================================================================ Washingtons Birthday Not as cool. Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 50s. Northeast winds around 5 mph becoming southeast in the afternoon. ================================================================ Monday Night Not as cool. Partly cloudy in the evening...then mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers afte...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 02/19/2012

Weather for Stuttgart, Deutschland 10-Day Forecast: Sonntag L. bewoelkt -3°C Precip: 20% Montag L. Bewölkt 0°C / -7°C Dienstag Heiter 4°C / -6°C Mittwoch L. Bewölkt 7°C / -5°C Donnerstag Schauer 5°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Freitag Einz. Schauer 10°C / 2°C Precip: 30% Samstag Schauer 7°C / 0°C Precip: 30% Sonntag Bewölkt 5°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Montag Regen / Schneesch. 5°C / 0°C Precip: 60% Dienstag Bewölkt 5°C / 0°C For more weather information, visit from your PC or mobile device.