
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2011 angezeigt.

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/31/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 311800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Sonntag, 31.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Nachts örtlich Nebel. Morgen ein freundlicher Mix aus Sonne und Wolken, niederschlagsfrei. Keine Warnungen. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Montag, 01.08.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Die von Nordwesten her eingeflossene kühle Meeresluft gelangt zunehmend unter Hochdruckeinfluss und erwärmt sich allmählich. Bis auf weiteres wird nicht mit warnwürdigen Wetterereignissen gerechnet. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Montag, 01.08.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Vetter/Dilger

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/31/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Sunday Partly Cloudy. 13C. Precip 10% Monday Mostly Sunny. 23 / 14C. Precip 10% Tuesday Sunny. 26 / 14C. Precip 0% Wednesday PM Light Rain. 26 / 16C. Precip 40% Thursday Scattered Showers. 23 / 17C. Precip 30% Friday PM Showers. 25 / 16C. Precip 30% Saturday PM Showers. 22 / 14C. Precip 30% Sunday Light Rain. 20 / 14C. Precip 60% Monday Scattered Showers. 20 / 14C. Precip 30% Tuesday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 14C. Precip 10% Updated: 7/31/11 2:23 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/31/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Sun 31 Jul 2011 06:00 to Mon 01 Aug 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Sat 30 Jul 2011 21:08 Forecaster: SCHLENCZEK A level 1 was issued for E Spain for large hail and severe wind gusts. A level 1 was issued for the N Adriatic region and N Dinaric Mountains / W Balkans for excessive precipitation and large hail. A level 1 was issued for parts of Poland, Belarus, W Ukraine and the Baltics for large hail and excessive precipitation. A level 1 was issued for central / E Ukraine and W Russia for large hail, severe wind gusts and excessive precipitation. SYNOPSIS

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/30/2011

Average temperature = 16.1°C Average humidity = 71% Average dewpoint = 10.8°C Average barometer = 1013.6 hPa Average windspeed = 0.2 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.9 km/h Average direction = 343° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 115.4 mm Rainfall for year = 332.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 30 at time 23:50 Maximum temperature = 18.8°C on day 30 at time 15:42 Minimum temperature = 14.0°C on day 30 at time 07:39 Maximum humidity = 84% on day 30 at time 00:01 Minimum humidity = 57% on day 30 at time 15:23 Maximum dewpoint = 13.6°C on day 30 at time 00:01 Minimum dewpoint = 9.6°C on day 30 at time 20:35 Maximum pressure = 1014.4 hPa on day 30 at time 00:13 Minimum pressure = 1012.8 hPa on day 30 at time 05:26 Maximum windspeed = 5.6 km/h on day 30 at time 18:15 Maximum gust speed = 22.2 km/h from 00°( N ) on day 30...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/30/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 301800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Samstag, 30.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Im Nordosten gelegentlich geringer Regen. Sonst trocken und örtlich Nebelbildung. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Sonntag, 31.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Die von Nordwesten her eingeflossene Meeresluft gelangt im Laufe des Sonntags von Westen her zunehmend unter Hochdruckeinfluss. In der Nacht zum Sonntag ist im Nordosten gelegentlich geringer Regen möglich, sonst bilden sich in den Morgenstunden örtlich Frühnebel. Am Sonntag bleibt es bei wechselnder Bewölkung warnfrei. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Sonntag, 31.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Vetter

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/30/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Saturday Partly Cloudy. 12C. Precip 10% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 20 / 12C. Precip 10% Monday Partly Cloudy. 23 / 12C. Precip 10% Tuesday Mostly Sunny. 25 / 14C. Precip 0% Wednesday PM Showers. 26 / 16C. Precip 30% Thursday Scattered Showers. 24 / 16C. Precip 30% Friday Rain. 23 / 16C. Precip 60% Saturday Light Rain. 22 / 14C. Precip 60% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 14C. Precip 20% Monday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 14C. Precip 0% Updated: 7/30/11 2:17 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/30/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Sat 30 Jul 2011 06:00 to Sun 31 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Fri 29 Jul 2011 21:12 Forecaster: VAN DER VELDE A level 1 and 2 were issued for central Ukraine and surroundings mainly for severe convective wind gusts and large hail. A level 1 was issued for NE Spain mainly for large hail. SYNOPSIS

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/29/2011

Average temperature = 16.8°C Average humidity = 84% Average dewpoint = 14.0°C Average barometer = 1014.1 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 313° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 115.4 mm Rainfall for year = 332.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 29 at time 15:53 Maximum temperature = 21.2°C on day 29 at time 13:53 Minimum temperature = 14.1°C on day 29 at time 06:51 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 29 at time 09:44 Minimum humidity = 66% on day 29 at time 14:25 Maximum dewpoint = 16.3°C on day 29 at time 19:06 Minimum dewpoint = 12.1°C on day 29 at time 6:01 Maximum pressure = 1015.3 hPa on day 29 at time 00:27 Minimum pressure = 1012.8 hPa on day 29 at time 19:16 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 29 at time 14:33 Maximum gust speed = 13.0 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 2...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/29/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 291800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Freitag, 29.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Wetterberuhigung bei ansteigenden Temperaturen. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Samstag, 30.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Baden-Württemberg liegt im Bereich eines mitteleuropäischen Tiefdrucksystems. Am Wochenende setzt sich von Norden her Hochdruckeinfluss durch. In der kommenden Nacht klingen letzte Schauer und Gewitter von Norden her ab. Bei auflockernder Bewölkung kann sich danach örtlich Nebel bilden. Am Samstag besteht nur noch im südlichen Baden-Württemberg ein kleines Gewitterrisiko mit der Gefahr von Starkregen bis etwa 15 Liter pro Quadratmeter in kurzer Zeit und Windböen bis 60 km/h. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Samstag, 30.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Thomas Ruppert

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/29/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Friday Showers Early. 13C. Precip 30% Saturday AM Showers. 19 / 11C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 19 / 11C. Precip 10% Monday Sunny. 22 / 11C. Precip 0% Tuesday Mostly Sunny. 25 / 13C. Precip 0% Wednesday PM Showers. 27 / 16C. Precip 30% Thursday Scattered Showers. 25 / 17C. Precip 30% Friday Light Rain. 23 / 15C. Precip 40% Saturday Light Rain. 22 / 14C. Precip 60% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 21 / 12C. Precip 20% Updated: 7/29/11 2:17 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/28/2011

Average temperature = 17.0°C Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 14.0°C Average barometer = 1014.4 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 299° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 114.9 mm Rainfall for year = 331.8 mm Rainfall for day = 3.6 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 28 at time 22:09 Maximum temperature = 21.8°C on day 28 at time 17:51 Minimum temperature = 14.7°C on day 28 at time 06:53 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 28 at time 10:46 Minimum humidity = 62% on day 28 at time 18:14 Maximum dewpoint = 15.7°C on day 28 at time 11:45 Minimum dewpoint = 12.5°C on day 28 at time 23:24 Maximum pressure = 1015.5 hPa on day 28 at time 21:31 Minimum pressure = 1013.2 hPa on day 28 at time 17:07 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 28 at time 15:40 Maximum gust speed = 14.8 km/h from 00°( N ) on day 2...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/28/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 281800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Donnerstag, 28.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Unbeständig mit Schauern und Gewittern. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Freitag, 29.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Baden-Württemberg liegt im Bereich eines mitteleuropäischen Tiefdrucksystems, welches sich allmählich ostwärts verlagert. Zunächst muss noch mit Schauern und Gewittern gerechnet werden. Dabei kann es lokal Starkregen um 25 Liter pro Quadratmeter in kurzer Zeit, stürmische Böen bis 70 km/h und kleinkörnigen Hagel geben. In der kommenden Nacht klingen die Schauer und Gewitter allmählich ab. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Freitag, 29.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Thomas Ruppert

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/29/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Fri 29 Jul 2011 06:00 to Sat 30 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Thu 28 Jul 2011 17:35 Forecaster: TUSCHY A level 1 was issued for E-Spain mainly for an isolated large hail and strong wind gust event. A level 1 was issued for Albania all the way to central Romania mainly for isolated large hail and strong wind gusts. SYNOPSIS

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/28/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Thursday Rain Early. 14C. Precip 70% Friday PM Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 30% Saturday AM Showers. 19 / 11C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 19 / 11C. Precip 20% Monday Mostly Sunny. 23 / 12C. Precip 10% Tuesday Sunny. 26 / 14C. Precip 0% Wednesday Partly Cloudy. 26 / 16C. Precip 20% Thursday PM Showers. 24 / 16C. Precip 30% Friday Scattered Showers. 24 / 15C. Precip 30% Saturday Rain. 22 / 14C. Precip 60% Updated: 7/28/11 3:21 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/27/2011

Average temperature = 17.3°C Average humidity = 78% Average dewpoint = 13.3°C Average barometer = 1012.9 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 335° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 111.3 mm Rainfall for year = 328.2 mm Rainfall for day = 7.2 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 27 at time 22:05 Maximum temperature = 21.5°C on day 27 at time 15:31 Minimum temperature = 15.0°C on day 27 at time 06:53 Maximum humidity = 88% on day 27 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 63% on day 27 at time 16:14 Maximum dewpoint = 15.8°C on day 27 at time 19:00 Minimum dewpoint = 11.3°C on day 27 at time 0:39 Maximum pressure = 1014.5 hPa on day 27 at time 22:22 Minimum pressure = 1011.8 hPa on day 27 at time 02:58 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 27 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 293°(WNW) on day 27...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/28/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Thu 28 Jul 2011 06:00 to Fri 29 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Wed 27 Jul 2011 21:57 Forecaster: GATZEN A level 1 was issued for the central Mediterranean, Italy, and the central Balkans mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts. A level 1 was issued for western Russia, Belarus, and the southern Baltic States mainly for excessive precipitation and large hail. SYNOPSIS

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/27/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 271800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Mittwoch, 27.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Nur langsam abklingende Schauer und Gewitter. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Donnerstag, 28.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Baden-Württemberg liegt im Bereich eines mitteleuropäischen Tiefdrucksystems. Heute Nacht lassen die Schauer und Gewitter nur zögerlich nach, dabei sind bis in der zweiten Nachthälfte weiterhin einzelne Gewitter unterwegs die örtlich Starkregen bis zu 25 Liter pro Quadratmeter in kurzer Zeit bringen können. Am Donnerstag müssen erneut mit neuen Schauern und Gewittern gerechnet werden, die sich bereits am Vormittag von Westen her ausbreiten. Dabei muss erneut mit Starkregen um 25 Liter pro Quadratmeter in kurzer Zeit, stürmischen Böen bis 70 km/h und kleinkörnigem Hagel gerechnet werden. Vor allem wegen Starkregen besteht örtlich erneut Unwettergefahr. Nächste Aktualisierung: späteste...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/27/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Wednesday Showers. 14C. Precip 40% Thursday Rain. 21 / 14C. Precip 70% Friday PM Showers. 22 / 13C. Precip 30% Saturday AM Showers. 19 / 12C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 19 / 12C. Precip 10% Monday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 12C. Precip 20% Tuesday Mostly Sunny. 24 / 13C. Precip 0% Wednesday Partly Cloudy. 23 / 15C. Precip 20% Thursday Partly Cloudy. 23 / 15C. Precip 20% Friday Partly Cloudy. 23 / 15C. Precip 20% Updated: 7/27/11 4:26 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/26/2011

Average temperature = 16.8°C Average humidity = 67% Average dewpoint = 10.4°C Average barometer = 1009.0 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 328° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 104.1 mm Rainfall for year = 321.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 26 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 21.8°C on day 26 at time 13:36 Minimum temperature = 10.9°C on day 26 at time 07:18 Maximum humidity = 84% on day 26 at time 08:22 Minimum humidity = 49% on day 26 at time 17:23 Maximum dewpoint = 12.8°C on day 26 at time 10:02 Minimum dewpoint = 7.7°C on day 26 at time 6:02 Maximum pressure = 1011.8 hPa on day 26 at time 23:57 Minimum pressure = 1007.1 hPa on day 26 at time 03:59 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 26 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 00°( N ) on day 26 a...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/27/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Wed 27 Jul 2011 06:00 to Thu 28 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Tue 26 Jul 2011 19:09 Forecaster: PUCIK A level 2 was issued for parts of Ukraine and Southeastern Belarus mainly for large hail, severe wind gusts and excessive precipitation. A level 1 was issued for Ukraine, Belarus, extreme Western Russia and Baltics for large hail, severe wind gusts and excessive precipitation. SYNOPSIS

Air Quality Alert for Gallatin, TN

Air Quality Alert Statement as of 2:44 PM CDT on July 26, 2011 ...Air quality alert in effect from midnight tonight to midnight CDT Wednesday night... The Tennessee department of environment and conservation has issued a code Orange health advisory for the Nashville effect from midnight tonight to midnight CDT Wednesday night. A code Orange air quality alert for ozone has been issued. Ground level ozone concentrations within the region may approach or exceed unhealthy standards. The general public is not likely to be affected. Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. For additional information...visit the Tennessee department of environment and conservation site at http://www.Tennessee.Gov/environment. Detailed Conditions and Forecast Information:

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/26/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 261800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Dienstag, 26.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Nachlassende Schauer; mittwochs erneut Schauer und örtliche Gewitter Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Mittwoch, 27.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Baden-Württemberg liegt im Bereich eines mitteleuropäischen Tiefdrucksystems. Die anfangs noch kühle Meeresluft erwärmt sich allmählich. Heute Nacht lassen die örtlichen Schauer und einzelnen Gewitter, die im Westen anfangs auch noch mit Starkregen bis 20 Liter pro Quadratmeter und Böen um 70 km/h auftreten können, allmählich nach. Morgen muss im Tagesverlauf mit örtlichen, teils kräftigen Gewittern gerechnet werden, die mit auch mit Starkregen bis 25 Liter pro Quadratmeter und Sturmböen bis 80 km/h auftreten können. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Mittwoch, 27.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Steiner/Krueger

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/26/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Tuesday Light Rain Early. 13C. Precip 50% Wednesday PM Showers. 23 / 14C. Precip 30% Thursday Rain. 21 / 14C. Precip 70% Friday Scattered Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 30% Saturday Scattered Showers. 19 / 12C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 19 / 12C. Precip 20% Monday Mostly Sunny. 22 / 12C. Precip 10% Tuesday Sunny. 25 / 14C. Precip 0% Wednesday Mostly Sunny. 25 / 16C. Precip 0% Thursday Mostly Sunny. 24 / 16C. Precip 10% Updated: 7/26/11 2:19 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/25/2011

Average temperature = 15.0°C Average humidity = 72% Average dewpoint = 9.8°C Average barometer = 1007.5 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 274° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 104.1 mm Rainfall for year = 321.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 25 at time 09:19 Maximum temperature = 19.0°C on day 25 at time 18:32 Minimum temperature = 11.0°C on day 25 at time 05:36 Maximum humidity = 85% on day 25 at time 08:07 Minimum humidity = 57% on day 25 at time 18:51 Maximum dewpoint = 11.6°C on day 25 at time 10:20 Minimum dewpoint = 8.3°C on day 25 at time 0:05 Maximum pressure = 1009.4 hPa on day 25 at time 00:20 Minimum pressure = 1006.3 hPa on day 25 at time 18:01 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 25 at time 16:09 Maximum gust speed = 9.3 km/h from 023°(NNE) on day 25 a...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/26/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Tue 26 Jul 2011 06:00 to Wed 27 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Mon 25 Jul 2011 22:40 Forecaster: KOROSEC A level 2 was issued for eastern Romania, Moldova, central Ukraine and parts of southern Belarus mainly for large to very large hail, damaging winds and intense rainfall. A level 1 was issued for surrounding areas of level 2 across the ESE Balkans towards the Baltic States as well as for parts of western Balkan Peninsula mainly for large hail, damaging winds and locally excessive rainfall. A level 1 was issued for parts of western Russia mainly for large hail and strong winds. A level 1 was issued for extreme south France and NE Iberia mainly for isolated large hail and strong wind gusts. SYNOPSIS

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/25/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 251800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Montag, 25.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Vereinzelt Schauer, weiterhin recht kühl. Dienstag wechselhaft mit Schauern, vereinzelt Gewittern. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Dienstag, 26.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Am Rande eines Tiefdrucksystems über Skandinavien fließt feuchte und kühle Meeresluft nach Baden-Württemberg. Das Wetter bleibt wechselhaft. Bis Dienstag früh ist nicht mit warnwürdigen Wetterereignissen zu rechnen. Am Dienstag entwickeln sich im Tagesverlauf häufig Quellwolken, die lokale Schauer, vereinzelt auch ein Gewitter bringen können. Dann ist örtlich mehr als 10 Liter Regen pro Quadratmeter möglich. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Dienstag, 26.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Krüger

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/25/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Monday Partly Cloudy. 12C. Precip 20% Tuesday PM Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 30% Wednesday Scattered Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 30% Thursday Scattered Showers. 20 / 13C. Precip 30% Friday PM Showers. 21 / 14C. Precip 30% Saturday Light Rain. 20 / 13C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 21 / 13C. Precip 20% Monday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 13C. Precip 10% Tuesday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 14C. Precip 20% Wednesday Mostly Sunny. 23 / 14C. Precip 0% Updated: 7/25/11 2:16 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/25/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Mon 25 Jul 2011 06:00 to Tue 26 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Mon 25 Jul 2011 00:08 Forecaster: DAHL A level-one threat has been issued across the E Baltic States, E Poland, the W Ukraine, and Belarus mainly for excessive rainfall and to a lesser extent for marginally severe hail. A level-one threat has been issued across Romania and the S Balkans mainly for large hail, damaging winds, and excessive rainfall. A level-one threat has been issued across NW Italy and NE Spain mainly for large hail. A level-one threat has been issued across the NE Maghreb States, the Ionian Sea, and Greece mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts. SYNOPSIS

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/24/2011

Average temperature = 12.6°C Average humidity = 74% Average dewpoint = 8.1°C Average barometer = 1009.0 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 233° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 103.6 mm Rainfall for year = 320.5 mm Rainfall for day = 1.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 24 at time 23:24 Maximum temperature = 14.9°C on day 24 at time 19:00 Minimum temperature = 10.5°C on day 24 at time 07:50 Maximum humidity = 88% on day 24 at time 09:16 Minimum humidity = 66% on day 24 at time 15:41 Maximum dewpoint = 9.5°C on day 24 at time 09:16 Minimum dewpoint = 6.7°C on day 24 at time 14:23 Maximum pressure = 1010.2 hPa on day 24 at time 11:48 Minimum pressure = 1007.1 hPa on day 24 at time 00:49 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 24 at time 15:28 Maximum gust speed = 11.1 km/h from 293°(WNW) on day 24 ...

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/24/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Sunday Light Rain. 11C. Precip 60% Monday AM Light Rain. 18 / 11C. Precip 60% Tuesday Partly Cloudy. 21 / 11C. Precip 20%%m Wednesday Showers. 21 / 12C. Precip 40%%m Thursday Scattered Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 30% Friday Partly Cloudy. 21 / 13C. Precip 20%%m Saturday Scattered Showers. 21 / 14C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 14C. Precip 10% Monday Sunny. 23 / 14C. Precip 0% Tuesday Sunny. 22 / 14C. Precip 0% Updated: 7/24/11 3:24 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/24/2011 1830UTC

VHDL30 DWSG 241800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Sonntag, 24.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Unbeständig und kühl. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Montag, 25.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Am Rande eines Tiefdrucksystems über Skandinavien fließt feuchte und kühle Meeresluft nach Baden-Württemberg. Bis Montagabend ist nicht mit warnwürdigen Wetterereignissen zu rechnen. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Montag, 25.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Thomas Ruppert

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/24/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Sun 24 Jul 2011 06:00 to Mon 25 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Sun 24 Jul 2011 05:37 Forecaster: SCHLENCZEK A level 1 was issued for the W Mediterranean and E Spain mainly for large hail. A level 1 was issued for N Algeria and NW Tunisia mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts. A level 1 was issued for most parts of E / SE Europe mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts and to a lesser extent for excessive precipitation and tornadoes. A level 1 was issued for S Finland and N-central Sweden for excessive precipitation. A level 1 was issued for W Russia mainly for large hail. SYNOPSIS

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/23/2011

Average temperature = 14.4°C Average humidity = 76% Average dewpoint = 10.0°C Average barometer = 1007.7 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 280° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 102.6 mm Rainfall for year = 319.5 mm Rainfall for day = 0.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 23 at time 09:09 Maximum temperature = 17.8°C on day 23 at time 18:49 Minimum temperature = 11.8°C on day 23 at time 10:07 Maximum humidity = 88% on day 23 at time 11:27 Minimum humidity = 52% on day 23 at time 19:22 Maximum dewpoint = 12.8°C on day 23 at time 13:11 Minimum dewpoint = 7.4°C on day 23 at time 19:01 Maximum pressure = 1008.8 hPa on day 23 at time 11:25 Minimum pressure = 1006.4 hPa on day 23 at time 21:06 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 23 at time 08:47 Maximum gust speed = 13.0 km/h from 338°(NNW) on day 2...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/23/2011

VHDL30 DWSG 231800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Samstag, 23.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Wechselhaft und kühl. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Sonntag, 24.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Am Rande eines Tiefdrucksystems über Skandinavien fließt feuchte und kühle Meeresluft nach Baden-Württemberg. In dieser Nacht können einzelne Gewitter entstehen, dabei können Westwindböen um 50 km/h auftreten sowie Schauer bis etwa 10 Liter pro Quadratmeter in kurzer Zeit. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Sonntag, 24.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Thomas Ruppert

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/23/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Saturday Scattered Showers. 10C. Precip 40% Sunday Light Rain. 16 / 11C. Precip 60% Monday AM Light Rain. 17 / 10C. Precip 60% Tuesday Partly Cloudy. 21 / 10C. Precip 20% Wednesday Showers. 21 / 12C. Precip 40% Thursday Scattered Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 30% Friday Partly Cloudy. 20 / 13C. Precip 20% Saturday Scattered Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 13C. Precip 10% Monday Sunny. 24 / 14C. Precip 0% Updated: 7/23/11 5:24 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/22/2011

As of 08:00 ...  No Storm Forecasts have been issued.

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/22/2011

Average temperature = 15.7°C Average humidity = 82% Average dewpoint = 12.6°C Average barometer = 1007.0 hPa Average windspeed = 0.1 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.3 km/h Average direction = 279° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 102.1 mm Rainfall for year = 319.0 mm Rainfall for day = 2.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 22 at time 22:33 Maximum temperature = 19.0°C on day 22 at time 18:10 Minimum temperature = 13.9°C on day 22 at time 05:38 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 22 at time 08:46 Minimum humidity = 66% on day 22 at time 18:09 Maximum dewpoint = 14.8°C on day 22 at time 15:48 Minimum dewpoint = 11.5°C on day 22 at time 22:22 Maximum pressure = 1008.8 hPa on day 22 at time 23:16 Minimum pressure = 1005.7 hPa on day 22 at time 05:17 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 22 at time 19:02 Maximum gust speed = 11.1 km/h from 023°(NNE) on day ...

Warnlagebericht für Baden-Württemberg 07/22/2011

VHDL30 DWSG 221800 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Freitag, 22.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr Wechselhaft mit Schauern und vereinzelten Gewittern. Entwicklung der Wetter- und Warnlage für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Samstag, 23.07.2011, 20:30 Uhr: Auf der Rückseite eines von Polen zur Ostsee ziehenden Tiefs strömt feuchte und relativ kühle Luft nach Baden-Württemberg. In der Nacht klingen die Niederschläge allmählich ab. Örtlich besteht ein leichtes Risiko für Starkregen von mehr als 10 Liter pro Quadratmeter in kurzer Zeit. Am Samstagnachmittag besteht leichte Gewitterneigung. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Samstag, 23.07.2011, 04:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart, Thomas Ruppert

10-Day Forecast for Filderstadt/Stuttgart 07/22/2011

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Friday Scattered Showers. 11C. Precip 40% Saturday Light Rain. 17 / 10C. Precip 50% Sunday Light Rain. 16 / 10C. Precip 60% Monday Light Rain. 17 / 10C. Precip 60% Tuesday Partly Cloudy. 19 / 11C. Precip 20% Wednesday Showers. 21 / 13C. Precip 40% Thursday Scattered Showers. 19 / 13C. Precip 30% Friday Partly Cloudy. 22 / 13C. Precip 20% Saturday Scattered Showers. 23 / 13C. Precip 30%%m Sunday Partly Cloudy. 23 / 13C. Precip 10% Updated: 7/22/11 5:24 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile. 

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 07/22/2011

Storm Forecast Valid: Fri 22 Jul 2011 06:00 to Sat 23 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC Issued: Thu 21 Jul 2011 21:16 Forecaster: TUSCHY A level 1 was issued for E-Spain mainly for a few large hail events. A level 1 was issued for parts of Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary mainly for a few large hail events. A level 1 covers most parts of E-CNTRL and NE-Europe mainly for large hail, isolated severe wind gust events, a few tornadoes and locally excessive rainfall. SYNOPSIS

Weatherdata for Filderstadt 07/21/2011

Average temperature = 15.1°C Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 12.2°C Average barometer = 1006.5 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 265° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 99.5 mm Rainfall for year = 316.4 mm Rainfall for day = 2.6 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 21 at time 19:04 Maximum temperature = 19.5°C on day 21 at time 13:52 Minimum temperature = 11.6°C on day 21 at time 06:33 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 21 at time 08:57 Minimum humidity = 62% on day 21 at time 14:13 Maximum dewpoint = 13.9°C on day 21 at time 11:12 Minimum dewpoint = 10.2°C on day 21 at time 6:33 Maximum pressure = 1008.4 hPa on day 21 at time 01:25 Minimum pressure = 1005.0 hPa on day 21 at time 13:41 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 21 at time 16:10 Maximum gust speed = 7.4 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 21 ...