
Es werden Posts vom November, 2010 angezeigt.

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/30/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 301300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Dienstag, 30.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Aus Süden dichtere Wolken, aber erst im Laufe des Mittwochs aufkommende Schneefälle. Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Mittwoch, 01.12.10, 15:30 Uhr: Aus Süden zieht wieder eine Störung auf. Die arktische Kaltluft bleibt erhalten. Heute bleibt es niederschlagsfrei. Besonders auf Nebenstraßen bleibt der vorhandene Schnee erhalten. Ab Sonnenuntergang können nasse Stellen überfrieren. In der zweiten Nachthälfte kommt in Südbaden leichter Schneefall auf. Die Tiefsttemperaturen liegen meist zwischen -3 und -10 Grad, in sehr frostanfälligen Lagen auch noch darunter. Es besteht weiterhin Glättegefahr. Abends und nachts lebt der Ostwind in exponierten Hochlagen stärker auf mit Böen um 60 km/h, so dass Schneeverwehungen auftreten können. Im Laufe des Mittwochs kommt landesweit Schneefall auf, tagsüber vielf...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/30/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Tuesday Mostly Cloudy. -7C. Precip 20%% Wednesday Light Snow. -1 / -9C. Precip 60% Thursday PM Light Snow. -1 / -9C. Precip 40% Friday Light Snow. -3 / -8C. Precip 40% Saturday Mostly Sunny. -1 / -8C. Precip 0% Sunday Light Snow. 4 / -3C. Precip 60% Monday Rain / Snow. 5 / 0C. Precip 60% Tuesday Light Snow. 3 / -2C. Precip 40% Wednesday Partly Cloudy. 2 / -2C. Precip 20% Thursday Partly Cloudy. 2 / -4C. Precip 10% Updated: 11/30/10 2:18 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/30/2010

forecast map threat level period forecaster Storm forecasts No Storm Forecasts have been issued. The forecast archive can be found  here .

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/29/2010

Average temperature = -1.0°C Average humidity = 90% Average dewpoint = -2.5°C Average barometer = 1001.4 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 225° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 44.8 mm Rainfall for year = 614.6 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 29 at time 23:50 Maximum temperature = 0.1°C on day 29 at time 17:33 Minimum temperature = -1.6°C on day 29 at time 23:50 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 29 at time 16:41 Minimum humidity = 88% on day 29 at time 23:50 Maximum dewpoint = -1.2°C on day 29 at time 16:41 Minimum dewpoint = -3.3°C on day 29 at time 23:50 Maximum pressure = 1007.7 hPa on day 29 at time 23:49 Minimum pressure = 997.2 hPa on day 29 at time 02:38 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 29 at time 23:50 Maximum gust speed = 1.9 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 29 at...

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/29/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 291300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Montag, 29.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Im Norden noch länger anhaltende Schneefälle, im Süden Schneeschauer. Nachts verbreitet Glätte und bei längerem Aufklaren gebietsweise strenger Frost. Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Dienstag, 30.11.10, 15:30 Uhr: Ein umfangreiches Tief mit Schwerpunkt über Osteuropa lenkt feuchtkalte Luft nach Baden-Württemberg. Heute Nachmittag und Abend gibt es in der Nordhälfte des Landes noch länger anhaltende Schneefälle, im Süden gehen ein paar Schneeschauer nieder. Bis zum Abend können im Nordosten 5 bis 10 cm Neuschnee dazukommen, sonst sind die Neuschneemengen allgemein geringer. Es muss auch im Flachland mit Glätte durch Schnee und Schneematsch gerechnet werden. In Verbindung mit den Schneeschauern frischt der Südwestwind im Süden zeitweise böig auf, dabei werden zwischen 50 und 60 km/h erreicht. In der Nach...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/29/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Monday Snow Showers Early. -7C. Precip 30% Tuesday Mostly Cloudy. 0 / -7C. Precip 20% Wednesday Light Snow. -1 / -9C. Precip 60% Thursday PM Light Snow. -1 / -9C. Precip 30% Friday Light Snow. -3 / -8C. Precip 40% Saturday Mostly Sunny. -1 / -8C. Precip 0% Sunday Light Snow. 4 / -3C. Precip 60% Monday Rain / Snow. 5 / 0C. Precip 60% Tuesday Light Snow. 3 / -2C. Precip 40% Wednesday Partly Cloudy. 2 / -2C. Precip 20% Updated: 11/29/10 5:32 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/29/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Mon 29 Nov 2010 06:00 to Tue 30 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Mon 29 Nov 2010 04:22 Forecaster: DAHL A level 1 was issued across the southwestern and southeastern Balkan States as well as the northern Aegean Regions into the western Black Sea mainly for severe wind gusts and Tornadoes. A level 1 was issued across the Iberian west coast mainly for tornadoes and severe wind gusts. ... SYNOPSIS ...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/28/2010

Average temperature = -1.3°C Average humidity = 89% Average dewpoint = -2.9°C Average barometer = 999.6 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 225° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 44.8 mm Rainfall for year = 614.6 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 28 at time 23:50 Maximum temperature = 0.6°C on day 28 at time 15:58 Minimum temperature = -3.3°C on day 28 at time 08:10 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 28 at time 11:31 Minimum humidity = 88% on day 28 at time 22:17 Maximum dewpoint = -1.2°C on day 28 at time 15:58 Minimum dewpoint = -4.9°C on day 28 at time 8:10 Maximum pressure = 1001.3 hPa on day 28 at time 11:06 Minimum pressure = 996.8 hPa on day 28 at time 22:20 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 28 at time 23:50 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 28 at ...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/28/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Sunday Light Snow. -2C. Precip 60% Monday Light Snow. 1 / -6C. Precip 60% Tuesday Partly Cloudy. -1 / -5C. Precip 20% Wednesday Light Snow. 0 / -7C. Precip 40% Thursday Partly Cloudy. -1 / -7C. Precip 20% Friday Partly Cloudy. 1 / -7C. Precip 20% Saturday Scattered Snow Showers. -1 / -6C. Precip 30% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 1 / -6C. Precip 10% Monday Light Snow. 2 / -6C. Precip 50% Tuesday Light Snow. 4 / -6C. Precip 40% Updated: 11/28/10 3:26 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/28/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 281300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Sonntag, 28.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Teils aufgelockert, teils stark bewölkt, ab der Nacht aus Süden zeitweise Schneefall. Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Montag, 29.11.10, 15:30 Uhr: In der nach Baden-Württemberg eingeflossenen Kaltluft arktischen Ursprungs nimmt der Störungseinfluss ab der Nacht vorübergehend wieder zu. Heute Nachmittag und Abend bleibt es meist trocken und in der Regel warnfrei. Allerdings hat sich der Frost oberhalb etwa 400m allgemein gehalten. In der Nacht zum Montag setzt von Süden her allmählich Schneefallen ein und erhöht das Glätterisiko. In Allgäunähe können bis zum Morgen bereits bis zu 10 cm Neuschnee fallen, sonst weniger. Am Montag tagsüber schneit es zunächst in den Landesteilen. Im Tagesverlauf lassen die Schneefälle langsam von Süden her wieder nach. Im Nordosten können bis zum Abend bis etwa 10 cm z...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/27/2010

Average temperature = -1.4°C Average humidity = 89% Average dewpoint = -3.0°C Average barometer = 1001.2 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 225° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 44.8 mm Rainfall for year = 614.6 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 27 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = -0.6°C on day 27 at time 01:14 Minimum temperature = -3.1°C on day 27 at time 09:59 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 27 at time 02:06 Minimum humidity = 88% on day 27 at time 18:01 Maximum dewpoint = -1.9°C on day 27 at time 01:10 Minimum dewpoint = -4.7°C on day 27 at time 9:59 Maximum pressure = 1002.7 hPa on day 27 at time 04:25 Minimum pressure = 999.6 hPa on day 27 at time 21:41 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 27 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 27 at...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/28/2010

forecast map threat level period forecaster Storm forecasts No Storm Forecasts have been issued. The forecast archive can be found  here .

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/27/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 271300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Samstag, 27.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Auch in der Nordhälfte Bewölkungszunahme. Von Südwesten aufkommender, meist leichter Schneefall mit neuer Glättegefahr. Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Sonntag, 28.11.10, 15:30 Uhr: In der nach Baden-Württemberg eingeflossenen Kaltluft arktischen Ursprungs bestimmt mal ein flaches Hoch unser Wetter, mal schwache Störungen. Heute kommt von Südwesten erneut, meist leichter Schneefall mit neuer Glättegefahr, er hat bereits die Gebiete rund um den Südschwarzwald erreicht.  Heute Abend und in der kommenden Nacht gibt es auch sonst gebietsweise leichten SCHNEFALL und verbreitet GLÄTTE. Die allgäunahen Gebiete bleiben vom Neuschnee weitgehend ausgespart, sonst kommen bis 3 cm hinzu, in Schwarzwaldnähe insgesamt zwischen 2 und 10 cm. Es wird frostig, dabei kann es bei längerem Aufklaren strengen Frost mi...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/27/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Saturday Light Snow. -3C. Precip 60% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 2 / -4C. Precip 20% Monday Light Snow. 1 / -4C. Precip 60% Tuesday Cloudy. 2 / -4C. Precip 20% Wednesday Rain / Snow. 4 / -1C. Precip 60% Thursday Scattered Snow Showers. 3 / -1C. Precip 30% Friday Light Snow. 2 / -2C. Precip 60% Saturday Light Snow. 2 / -2C. Precip 60% Sunday Scattered Snow Showers. 2 / -4C. Precip 30% Monday Mostly Cloudy. 4 / -4C. Precip 20% Updated: 11/27/10 3:33 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/27/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Sat 27 Nov 2010 06:00 to Sun 28 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Sat 27 Nov 2010 02:23 Forecaster: VAN DER VELDE A level 1 was issued for NW Turkey mainly for excessive convective rain and a tornado chance. A level 1 was issued for W Greece for a tornado/severe gusts/hail chance. A level 1 was issued for N Morocco and S Spain for a tornado chance and excessive precipitation. SYNOPSIS

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/26/2010

Average temperature = 0.1°C Average humidity = 90% Average dewpoint = -1.3°C Average barometer = 1000.1 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 225° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 44.8 mm Rainfall for year = 614.6 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 26 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 1.0°C on day 26 at time 14:31 Minimum temperature = -0.8°C on day 26 at time 23:57 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 26 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 89% on day 26 at time 15:28 Maximum dewpoint = -0.5°C on day 26 at time 14:31 Minimum dewpoint = -2.2°C on day 26 at time 21:25 Maximum pressure = 1002.3 hPa on day 26 at time 23:57 Minimum pressure = 996.6 hPa on day 26 at time 01:18 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 26 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 26 at ...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/26/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Friday Light Snow Early. -6C. Precip 40% Saturday Partly Cloudy. -1 / -6C. Precip 20% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 1 / -4C. Precip 20% Monday Light Snow. 1 / -4C. Precip 30% Tuesday Snow. 1 / -4C. Precip 60% Wednesday Light Snow. -2 / -3C. Precip 60% Thursday Light Snow. 2 / -3C. Precip 60% Friday Light Snow. 3 / -2C. Precip 60% Saturday Light Snow. 2 / -2C. Precip 60% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 4 / -3C. Precip 0% Updated: 11/26/10 3:32 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/26/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 261300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Freitag, 26.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Allgemein Glättegefahr Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Samstag, 27.11.10, 15:30 Uhr: Kaltluft bestimmt weiterhin das Wetter in Baden-Württemberg. In der Nacht gibt es allgemein Frost. Die Tiefsttemperaturen liegen in Baden-Württemberg meist zwischen -2 und -8 Grad, in sehr frostanfälligen Lagen auch noch darunter. Es besteht Glättegefahr wegen überfrierender Nässe. Vereinzelt kann es auch etwas schneien. Die Neuschneemengen liegen nachts aber meist nur zwischen 0 und 2 cm. Am Samstag ist es wolkig mit Aufheiterungen. Örtlich treten leichte Schneeschauer auf. In den Niederungen taut es tagsüber. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Freitag, 26.11.10, 20:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stuttgart,

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/25/2010

Average temperature = 2.2°C Average humidity = 88% Average dewpoint = 0.4°C Average barometer = 1000.2 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 251° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 44.8 mm Rainfall for year = 614.6 mm Rainfall for day = 1.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 25 at time 22:36 Maximum temperature = 4.4°C on day 25 at time 15:16 Minimum temperature = 0.9°C on day 25 at time 05:05 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 25 at time 05:05 Minimum humidity = 81% on day 25 at time 16:08 Maximum dewpoint = 1.9°C on day 25 at time 12:42 Minimum dewpoint = -0.6°C on day 25 at time 23:57 Maximum pressure = 1004.7 hPa on day 25 at time 00:32 Minimum pressure = 996.2 hPa on day 25 at time 22:04 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 25 at time 14:22 Maximum gust speed = 5.6 km/h from 225°( SW) on day 25 at tim...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/26/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Fri 26 Nov 2010 06:00 to Sat 27 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Thu 25 Nov 2010 15:32 Forecaster: TUSCHY A level 1 was issued for an area west of the Strait of Gibraltar mainly for heavy rainfall. A level 1 was issued for the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and parts of the Ionian Sea mainly for heavy rainfall. A level 1 was issued for the NE Aegean Sea mainly for heavy rainfall. SYNOPSIS and DISCUSSION

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/25/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Thursday Light Snow. -1C. Precip 60% Friday Light Snow. 1 / -4C. Precip 60% Saturday Partly Cloudy. -1 / -6C. Precip 20% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 2 / -6C. Precip 20% Monday Light Snow. 1 / -4C. Precip 40% Tuesday Scattered Snow Showers. 1 / -4C. Precip 30% Wednesday Partly Cloudy. 3 / -2C. Precip 20% Thursday Light Snow. 2 / -2C. Precip 60% Friday Light Snow. 3 / -5C. Precip 60% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 5 / -5C. Precip 10% Updated: 11/25/10 3:37 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/25/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 251300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Donnerstag, 25.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Nachts Schneefall bis in tiefe Lagen. Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Freitag, 26.11.10, 15:30 Uhr: Tiefdruckeinfluss sorgt in Baden-Württemberg weiterhin für unbeständiges Wetter. Das Glätterisiko beschränkt sich bis zum Abend aber im Wesentlichen auf das höhere Bergland. In der kommenden Nacht lenkt ein Tiefausläufer kältere Luft nach Baden-Württemberg. Dadurch sinkt die Schneefallgrenze allmählich bis in tiefe Lagen, so dass überall mit Glätte durch Schnee und überfrierende Nässe gerechnet werden muss. Die Neuschneemengen werden bis Freitag früh in den Niederungen voraussichtlich zwischen 0 und 5 cm, im Bergland zwischen 5 und 10 cm und im höheren Schwarzwald bei 10 bis 15 cm liegen. Am Freitag tagsüber schneit es nur noch selten. In den Niederungen taut der Schnee vielerorts ab. Nächste Aktua...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/24/2010

Average temperature = 2.4°C Average humidity = 89% Average dewpoint = 0.7°C Average barometer = 1004.1 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 270° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 43.8 mm Rainfall for year = 613.6 mm Rainfall for day = 2.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 24 at time 21:44 Maximum temperature = 4.2°C on day 24 at time 13:50 Minimum temperature = 1.3°C on day 24 at time 23:13 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 24 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 84% on day 24 at time 14:06 Maximum dewpoint = 1.9°C on day 24 at time 13:38 Minimum dewpoint = -0.1°C on day 24 at time 21:51 Maximum pressure = 1005.0 hPa on day 24 at time 23:47 Minimum pressure = 1003.0 hPa on day 24 at time 03:56 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 24 at time 14:17 Maximum gust speed = 9.3 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 24 at ti...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/25/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Thu 25 Nov 2010 06:00 to Fri 26 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Wed 24 Nov 2010 13:51 Forecaster: GATZEN A level 1 was issued for southwestern Turkey mainly for excessive rain. SYNOPSIS

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/24/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 241300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Mittwoch, 24.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Schauer, vor allem im Bergland als Schnee. Nachts abnehmende Niederschläge aber Glättegefahr. Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Donnerstag, 25.11.10, 15:30 Uhr: Ein Tiefdrucksystem über Russland und den Baltischen Republiken führt kalte Meeresluft nach Baden-Württemberg. Heute Abend schwankt die Schneefallgrenze um 400 m, oberhalb etwa 600m Höhe hält das Glätterisiko an. Mit durchziehenden Schauern kommen dort bis zum Abend 1 bis 5, im hohen Schwarzwald 5 bis 10 cm Neuschnee zusammen. In der Nacht zum Donnerstag nehmen die Schauer allmählich ab, bis zum Morgen kann vor allem an der Alb und in Richtung Allgäu nochmals 1 bis 3, im oberen Schwarzwald zwischen 3 und 10 cm an Neuschnee hinzukommen. Dort verschärft sich deshalb das Glätterisiko, besonders auf Nebenstrecken und Brücken kann es aber später auc...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/24/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Wednesday Light Snow. -1C. Precip 50% Thursday Light Snow. 3 / -1C. Precip 60% Friday Light Snow. 0 / -7C. Precip 60% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 1 / -7C. Precip 20% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 3 / -6C. Precip 20% Monday Snow. 1 / -5C. Precip 30% Tuesday Snow. 3 / -2C. Precip 60% Wednesday Rain / Snow. 4 / -2C. Precip 60% Thursday Light Snow. 4 / -1C. Precip 60% Friday Mostly Cloudy. 4 / -2C. Precip 20% Updated: 11/24/10 2:18 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/23/2010

Average temperature = 2.4°C Average humidity = 90% Average dewpoint = 0.9°C Average barometer = 1001.3 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.1 km/h Average direction = 284° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 41.3 mm Rainfall for year = 611.1 mm Rainfall for day = 1.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 23 at time 10:06 Maximum temperature = 3.0°C on day 23 at time 13:12 Minimum temperature = 1.9°C on day 23 at time 23:57 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 23 at time 11:12 Minimum humidity = 86% on day 23 at time 22:46 Maximum dewpoint = 1.6°C on day 23 at time 09:49 Minimum dewpoint = 0.0°C on day 23 at time 22:46 Maximum pressure = 1003.6 hPa on day 23 at time 23:43 Minimum pressure = 998.3 hPa on day 23 at time 00:36 Maximum windspeed = 3.7 km/h on day 23 at time 10:39 Maximum gust speed = 16.6 km/h from 360°( N ) on day 23 at tim...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/24/2010

Severe convective storms unlikely.

WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg 11/23/2010

VHDL30 DWSG 231300 WARNLAGEBERICHT für Baden-Württemberg ausgegeben vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Dienstag, 23.11.10, 15:30 Uhr Nachts teilweise Glättegefahr Entwicklung der WETTER- und WARNLAGE für die nächsten 24 Stunden bis Mittwoch, 24.11.10, 15:30 Uhr: Ein Tiefdruckgebiet bei Polen lenkt Kaltluft nach Baden- Württemberg. In der Nacht kommt es zeitweise zu Niederschlägen. Die Schneefallgrenze liegt nachts bei ungefähr 400 Metern. Darüber besteht Glättegefahr durch Schnee, Schneematsch und überfrierende Nässe. Im Bergland muss mit etwa 5 cm Neuschnee gerechnet werden. Die Tiefsttemperaturen liegen zwischen -3 Grad im höheren Bergland und +2 Grad im Rheintal. Am Mittwoch tagsüber treten ebenfalls zeitweilige Niederschläge auf. Die Schneefallgrenze steigt vorübergehend etwas an. Das Glätterisiko beschränkt sich tagsüber im Wesentlichen auf das höhere Bergland. Nächste Aktualisierung: spätestens Dienstag, 23.11.10, 20:30 Uhr Deutscher Wetterdienst, RZ Stutt...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/23/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Tuesday Light Snow. 0C. Precip 40% Wednesday Rain / Snow. 3 / -1C. Precip 50% Thursday Light Snow. 2 / -3C. Precip 60% Friday AM Light Snow. 2 / -6C. Precip 40% Saturday Light Snow. 2 / -6C. Precip 60% Sunday Light Snow. 1 / -7C. Precip 60% Monday Partly Cloudy. 2 / -7C. Precip 20% Tuesday Light Snow. 3 / -5C. Precip 60% Wednesday Light Snow. 2 / -7C. Precip 60% Thursday Partly Cloudy. 3 / -7C. Precip 10% Updated: 11/23/10 3:29 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/22/2010

Average temperature = 2.7°C Average humidity = 92% Average dewpoint = 1.4°C Average barometer = 997.2 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 270° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 39.8 mm Rainfall for year = 609.6 mm Rainfall for day = 13.2 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 22 at time 10:28 Maximum temperature = 4.1°C on day 22 at time 01:32 Minimum temperature = 1.5°C on day 22 at time 09:40 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 22 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 89% on day 22 at time 00:27 Maximum dewpoint = 2.6°C on day 22 at time 01:32 Minimum dewpoint = 0.2°C on day 22 at time 09:40 Maximum pressure = 999.3 hPa on day 22 at time 00:14 Minimum pressure = 996.1 hPa on day 22 at time 07:41 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 22 at time 22:13 Maximum gust speed = 7.4 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 22 at time ...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/23/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Tue 23 Nov 2010 06:00 to Wed 24 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Tue 23 Nov 2010 00:24 Forecaster: KOROSEC A level 2 was issued for western Turkey mainly for excessive convective rainfall, large hail, strong to severe wind gusts and tornadoes. A level 1 was issued for areas surrounding a level 2 across eastern Greece, Aegean sea and western Turkey mainly for excessive convective rainfall, strong wind gusts and tornadoes. A level 1 was issued for western Greece, Albania and parts of Montenegro mainly for locally excessive convective rainfall. SYNOPSIS

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/22/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Monday Rain / Snow. 2C. Precip 80% Tuesday Rain / Snow. 3 / 0C. Precip 70% Wednesday Rain / Snow. 3 / -1C. Precip 50% Thursday Light Snow. 3 / -3C. Precip 60% Friday Light Snow. 2 / -6C. Precip 40% Saturday Light Snow. 2 / -6C. Precip 60% Sunday Light Snow. 1 / -7C. Precip 60% Monday Partly Cloudy. 2 / -7C. Precip 20% Tuesday Light Snow. 3 / -5C. Precip 60% Wednesday Light Snow. 2 / -7C. Precip 60% Updated: 11/22/10 3:33 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/22/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Mon 22 Nov 2010 06:00 to Tue 23 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Mon 22 Nov 2010 01:14 Forecaster: DAHL A level 2 was issued across the Ionian Sea and the southwestern Balkan States, mainly for severe wind gusts, tornadoes, large hail, and excessive convective precipitation. A level 1 was issued across the Ionian Sea ... parts of southern Italy ... the Adriatic Sea ... the southwestern Balkans ... and the Aegean regions mainly for severe wind gusts, tornadoes, large hail, and excessive convective rain. ... SYNOPSIS ...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/21/2010

Average temperature = 3.4°C Average humidity = 88% Average dewpoint = 1.6°C Average barometer = 1002.7 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 257° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 26.6 mm Rainfall for year = 596.4 mm Rainfall for day = 1.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 21 at time 14:57 Maximum temperature = 4.7°C on day 21 at time 14:05 Minimum temperature = 0.9°C on day 21 at time 01:04 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 21 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 85% on day 21 at time 01:46 Maximum dewpoint = 2.7°C on day 21 at time 15:56 Minimum dewpoint = -1.3°C on day 21 at time 01:04 Maximum pressure = 1007.1 hPa on day 21 at time 00:06 Minimum pressure = 998.9 hPa on day 21 at time 23:56 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 21 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 21 at tim...

10-Day-Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/21/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Sunday Light Rain Late. 2C. Precip 60% Monday Rain. 4 / 2C. Precip 80% Tuesday Rain / Snow. 4 / 1C. Precip 60% Wednesday Light Snow. 4 / -1C. Precip 60% Thursday Light Snow. 3 / -3C. Precip 60% Friday Light Snow. 0 / -4C. Precip 40% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 3 / -4C. Precip 20% Sunday Snow. 3 / -6C. Precip 30% Monday Scattered Snow Showers. 4 / -7C. Precip 30% Tuesday Partly Cloudy. 3 / -7C. Precip 0% Updated: 11/21/10 3:16 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/20/2010

Average temperature = 3.4°C Average humidity = 84% Average dewpoint = 0.9°C Average barometer = 1010.7 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 263° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 25.5 mm Rainfall for year = 595.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 8.2°C on day 20 at time 15:01 Minimum temperature = 0.4°C on day 20 at time 08:17 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 20 at time 11:10 Minimum humidity = 75% on day 20 at time 17:01 Maximum dewpoint = 4.7°C on day 20 at time 14:06 Minimum dewpoint = -1.5°C on day 20 at time 8:11 Maximum pressure = 1014.2 hPa on day 20 at time 01:48 Minimum pressure = 1006.7 hPa on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 248°(WSW) on day 20 at tim...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/21/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Sun 21 Nov 2010 06:00 to Mon 22 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Sun 21 Nov 2010 06:06 Forecaster: SCHLENCZEK A level 1 was issued for Corsica, Sardinia and for parts of N-central Italy and the Dinaric Mountains mainly for excessive rainfall and to a lesser extent for severe wind gusts. SYNOPSIS

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/20/2010

Average temperature = 3.4°C Average humidity = 84% Average dewpoint = 0.9°C Average barometer = 1010.7 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 263° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 25.5 mm Rainfall for year = 595.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 8.2°C on day 20 at time 15:01 Minimum temperature = 0.4°C on day 20 at time 08:17 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 20 at time 11:10 Minimum humidity = 75% on day 20 at time 17:01 Maximum dewpoint = 4.7°C on day 20 at time 14:06 Minimum dewpoint = -1.5°C on day 20 at time 8:11 Maximum pressure = 1014.2 hPa on day 20 at time 01:48 Minimum pressure = 1006.7 hPa on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 20 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 248°(WSW) on day 20 at tim...

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/19/2010

Average temperature = 6.3°C Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 3.5°C Average barometer = 1012.6 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 270° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 25.5 mm Rainfall for year = 595.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 19 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 9.1°C on day 19 at time 14:05 Minimum temperature = 4.4°C on day 19 at time 23:57 Maximum humidity = 86% on day 19 at time 10:30 Minimum humidity = 75% on day 19 at time 15:15 Maximum dewpoint = 5.2°C on day 19 at time 12:30 Minimum dewpoint = 1.9°C on day 19 at time 23:57 Maximum pressure = 1014.5 hPa on day 19 at time 21:50 Minimum pressure = 1010.4 hPa on day 19 at time 00:32 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 19 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 19 at tim...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/20/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Saturday Partly Cloudy. 0C. Precip 20% Sunday Mostly Cloudy. 7 / 2C. Precip 20% Monday Light Rain. 6 / 2C. Precip 60% Tuesday Rain / Snow. 4 / 1C. Precip 60% Wednesday Light Snow. 4 / -3C. Precip 60% Thursday Light Snow. 1 / -3C. Precip 40% Friday Scattered Snow Showers. 2 / -5C. Precip 30%% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 4 / -5C. Precip 20% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 5 / -4C. Precip 20% Monday Partly Cloudy. 5 / -4C. Precip 20% Updated: 11/20/10 3:16 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/20/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Sat 20 Nov 2010 06:00 to Sun 21 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Sat 20 Nov 2010 05:34 Forecaster: VAN DER VELDE A level 1 has been issued for SE France for a chance of local excessive convective rainfall. SYNOPSIS

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/19/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Friday Partly Cloudy. -1C. Precip 20% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 9 / 0C. Precip 10% Sunday Mostly Cloudy. 7 / 1C. Precip 20% Monday Light Rain. 7 / 2C. Precip 60% Tuesday Rain / Snow. 4 / 1C. Precip 60% Wednesday Light Snow. 4 / -3C. Precip 60% Thursday Light Snow. 1 / -3C. Precip 40% Friday Scattered Snow Showers. 2 / -5C. Precip 30% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 4 / -5C. Precip 20% Sunday Partly Cloudy. 5 / -4C. Precip 20% Updated: 11/19/10 4:27 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/18/2010

Average temperature = 4.8°C Average humidity = 85% Average dewpoint = 2.5°C Average barometer = 1006.8 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = 321° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 25.5 mm Rainfall for year = 595.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 18 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 7.6°C on day 18 at time 14:35 Minimum temperature = 1.8°C on day 18 at time 08:32 Maximum humidity = 89% on day 18 at time 10:55 Minimum humidity = 75% on day 18 at time 14:54 Maximum dewpoint = 4.5°C on day 18 at time 13:31 Minimum dewpoint = 0.0°C on day 18 at time 8:32 Maximum pressure = 1010.8 hPa on day 18 at time 23:57 Minimum pressure = 1004.0 hPa on day 18 at time 03:16 Maximum windspeed = 0.0 km/h on day 18 at time 23:57 Maximum gust speed = 0.0 km/h from 270°( W ) on day 18 at time ...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/19/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Fri 19 Nov 2010 06:00 to Sat 20 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Thu 18 Nov 2010 19:54 Forecaster: SCHLENCZEK A level 1 was issued for extreme NW Iberia mainly for severe wind gusts and tornadoes and to a lesser extent for marginally severe hail. SYNOPSIS

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/18/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Thursday Mostly Cloudy. 2C. Precip 20% Friday Mostly Cloudy. 9 / 1C. Precip 20% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 8 / 2C. Precip 20% Sunday PM Light Rain. 7 / 2C. Precip 60% Monday Light Rain. 6 / 2C. Precip 60% Tuesday Light Rain. 5 / 1C. Precip 60% Wednesday Rain / Snow. 4 / -1C. Precip 60% Thursday Partly Cloudy. 3 / -2C. Precip 20% Friday Light Rain. 6 / -2C. Precip 60% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 6 / 0C. Precip 10% Updated: 11/18/10 2:18 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/17/2010

Average temperature = 4.5°C Average humidity = 88% Average dewpoint = 2.7°C Average barometer = 1007.4 hPa Average windspeed = 0.0 km/h Average gustspeed = 0.0 km/h Average direction = -0° ( N ) Rainfall for month = 25.5 mm Rainfall for year = 595.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 17 at time 23:57 Maximum temperature = 5.4°C on day 17 at time 13:23 Minimum temperature = 3.8°C on day 17 at time 08:31 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 17 at time 11:15 Minimum humidity = 85% on day 17 at time 20:28 Maximum dewpoint = 3.6°C on day 17 at time 12:52 Minimum dewpoint = 2.1°C on day 17 at time 23:57 Maximum pressure = 1013.2 hPa on day 17 at time 00:13 Minimum pressure = 1004.4 hPa on day 17 at time 20:44 Maximum windspeed = 1.9 km/h on day 17 at time 02:48 Maximum gust speed = 7.4 km/h from 00°( N ) on day 17 at time ...

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/18/2010

Storm Forecast Valid: Thu 18 Nov 2010 06:00 to Fri 19 Nov 2010 06:00 UTC Issued: Wed 17 Nov 2010 14:34 Forecaster: GATZEN Severe convective storms unlikely. SYNOPSIS

ESTOFEX Severe Weather Forecast 11/17/2010

No Storm Forecasts have been issued.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/16/2010

Average temperature = 4.8°C Average humidity = 90% Average dewpoint = 3.4°C Average barometer = 1013.6 hPa Average windspeed = 0.7 km/h Average gustspeed = 2.8 km/h Average direction = 0° ( N ) Rainfall for month = 25.5 mm Rainfall for year = 595.3 mm Rainfall for day = 7.7 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 16 at time 11:21 Maximum temperature = 6.5°C on day 16 at time 00:03 Minimum temperature = 4.2°C on day 16 at time 11:42 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 16 at time 21:32 Minimum humidity = 90% on day 16 at time 23:57 Maximum dewpoint = 5.1°C on day 16 at time 00:03 Minimum dewpoint = 2.7°C on day 16 at time 11:42 Maximum pressure = 1015.2 hPa on day 16 at time 17:26 Minimum pressure = 1011.1 hPa on day 16 at time 01:50 Maximum windspeed = 5.6 km/h on day 16 at time 11:05 Maximum gust speed = 14.8 km/h from 00°( N ) on day 16 at time...

10-Day Forecast For Filderstadt/Stuttgart 11/17/2010

Weather for Stuttgart, Germany 10-Day Forecast: Wednesday Partly Cloudy. 1C. Precip 20% Thursday Light Rain. 9 / 2C. Precip 40% Friday Partly Cloudy. 8 / 1C. Precip 20% Saturday Partly Cloudy. 9 / 1C. Precip 20% Sunday Light Rain. 7 / 2C. Precip 60% Monday Light Rain. 6 / 0C. Precip 60% Tuesday Rain / Snow. 5 / 0C. Precip 60% Wednesday Mostly Cloudy. 4 / -1C. Precip 20% Thursday Light Snow. 3 / -2C. Precip 40% Friday Partly Cloudy. 3 / -3C. Precip 20% Updated: 11/17/10 2:17 PM Local Time For more information, visit  from your PC or mobile.

Weatherdata For Filderstadt 11/15/2010

Average temperature = 9.6°C Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 6.7°C Average barometer = 1007.9 hPa Average windspeed = 0.3 km/h Average gustspeed = 1.5 km/h Average direction = 339° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 17.8 mm Rainfall for year = 587.6 mm Rainfall for day = 6.6 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.5 mm on day 15 at time 20:15 Maximum temperature = 15.2°C on day 15 at time 00:01 Minimum temperature = 0.0°C on day 15 at time 17:00 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 15 at time 23:57 Minimum humidity = 50% on day 15 at time 17:02 Maximum dewpoint = 8.6°C on day 15 at time 02:04 Minimum dewpoint = -9.2°C on day 15 at time 17:00 Maximum pressure = 1013.0 hPa on day 15 at time 17:01 Minimum pressure = 554.8 hPa on day 15 at time 17:02 Maximum windspeed = 7.4 km/h on day 15 at time 19:29 Maximum gust speed = 20.4 km/h from 00°( N ) on day 15 at ti...